Formal Logic

(c) 2017 by Barton Paul Levenson

Formal logic is the study of reasoning--taking one or more premises, and finding conclusions from them. There are right ways to do this, and wrong ways.

Click below to go to the tutorial of your choice.

Part 1. What is truth, and where can I find some?
Part 2. Logic Basics
Part 3. Logical Fallacies
Part 4. Logical Symbols
Part 5. Logical Inference
Part 6. The Conditional and the Biconditional
Part 7. Tautological Implications and Equivalences
Part 8. Sustained Arguments
Part 9. The Predicate Calculus
Part 10. Translating Arguments into Logic
Appendix 1. Table of Logical Symbols

Page created:04/02/2017
Last modified:  04/04/2017